Desert Gold Pool Finish

Pebble Sheen

Photo Collage of Pebble Sheen Desert Gold Pool Finish

PebbleSheen Desert Gold: Natural-toned pebbles that mimic the color of sand on the beach produce a fresh green water color.

Desert Gold Pool Finish


Compare to Alternate Finishes and Water Colors.

Please note that water color and finish samples shown may differ from actual results due to environmental variations in time of day, season, shade, lighting and the inherent variation found in stone products and other factors.

Desert Gold

Compare to Alternate Finishes and Water Colors.

Please note that water color and finish samples shown may differ from actual results due to environmental variations in time of day, season, shade, lighting and the inherent variation found in stone products and other factors.

We suggest these handcrafted Lightstreams Glass Tiles for your pool or spa waterline.

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