Baja Blue Pool Finish

Pebble Quartz

Photo Collage of Pebble Quartz Baja Blue Pool Finish

The Preferred Quartz Finish for Residential Pools

Optional Quartz Accents in 4 Colors:

You may also choose to add Quartz Color Accents to create an especially distinctive look (White Classic with accents shown below). Options include:

Baja Blue

Optional Quartz Accents in 4 Colors:

You may also choose to add Quartz Color Accents to create an especially distinctive look (White Classic with accents shown below). Options include:

The preferred quartz finish with durability warrantied by PebbleTec®

More beautiful PebbleQuartz color options:

Visit our pool remodeling page to get started on turning your backyard into a luxurious oasis.

PebbleTec Technical Support:

Rest assured that PebbleTec’s Quality Assurance and technical experts are on call to ensure the success of your pool installation.

Dual Warranty:

PebbleTec requires registration of each pool within 30 days after installation to qualify for our 5-year product warranty and applicator-provided 2-year warranty on workmanship. (Without registration, a one-year warranty applies.)

Commercial Use

Please check with your Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to ensure that all above presented options meet specific requirements for use.

Water Color

Please note that water color and finish samples shown may differ from actual results due to environmental variations in time of day, season, shade, lighting and the inherent variation found in stone products and other factors.